thecashewtrader's Website

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1 General Criticism

2 Google

2.1 Alternatives

2.1.8 YouTube Superchat

2.1.11 Google Pixel

2.1.12 Gmail

Email is insecure by default. You are better off hosting your own email server. The ones listed are not ideal services, but are better than Gmail.

2.1.15 Google Meet

Same as 2.1.14

2.1.16 Google Photos

Same as 2.1.4

2.1.17 Google Contact

Same as 2.1.4

2.1.18 Google Calendar

Same as 2.1.4

2.1.19 Google Keep

Same as 2.1.4

2.1.21 Google Analytics

6 Supercell

6.1 Alternatives

Basically all of their games are pay to win, either just don't play them or use a private server.

10 Shopify

10.1 Alternatives

11 Disqus

12 Starbucks

12.1 Alternatives

13 Fast Fashion

13.1 Alternatives

15 Spotify

16 Instagram